SEEING STARS: At the time of this writing, there are 2,403 stars spanning 3½ miles along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, with more being added regularly. For additional information and to find the location of specific stars, visit the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce's official Walk of Fame website.
Where the stars line up
to be walked all over and
used as stepping stones.
Icon of beauty —
A candle whose light remains,
though the flame has died.
A playful pose.
As a child, Monroe amused herself by pretending that Clark Gable was her father. Later, it was said that the tension she created on the set of "The Misfits" (1961) hastened the actor's demise.
An early photograph of Marilyn Monroe who was born Norma Jeane Mortenson.
Monroe's first significant screen appearance was in "Love Happy" (1949), the Marx Brothers' last film together as a comedy team. Although it was a very brief walk-on part, it was one that Groucho would remember for decades.
Marilyn Monroe's outdoor crypt (#24) in Westwood (California) Memorial Park's Corridor of Memories is stained from the red lipstick kisses of adoring fans. (Photo by A. J. Marik)
I BEGAN WRITING and publishing "Hollywood Haiku" (i.e., entertainment industry themed and inspired poems in haiku form, under the aforementioned title) years ago on Hometown AOL, Geocities and MySpace. Since then, numerous imitators have sprung up and two of the three hosting sites have shut down. But I believe (at least, I hope) that my original concept, style and voice remain distinctive.
I am a lover of all things Hollywood, from the industry's humble and innovative beginnings to its technologically astounding present. It is because of my passion for the cinematic and theatrical arts (and due to my penchant for observation and scribbling) that I offer my poetic perspective. Enjoy!
- G. M.